Monday 6 May 2013

Morrison's flag!

This is probably one of my treasured possessions, it's sad to say! 

In December 2007, my dad wrote to Mr Morrison asking for one of the flags which are used at their stores as a present for me for Christmas!  
The Reply from Mr Morrison!

By now you're probably thinking - What use is a Morrison's flag to a 15 year old girl? 

What better use for a flag than as a blanket! It spent 5 years at school on my bed - my room was often shown to prospective parents (not sure whether this encouraged them to send their son/daughter to the school or not), I often got some funny looks and occasionally people would ask why there was a Morrison's flag on my bed & where did it come from?  So I'd tell the story and the usual response was "oh, that's different" (with raised eyebrows)!  

Another plus side of the flag was that it came in handy during fire alarms, it always seemed to be the closest thing to grab - I would get many funny looks from the rest of the school who were all either in pjs, dressing gowns or still fully dressed (which I never quite understood at 3am in the morning)!  

It is currently enjoying life at University - it is always a conversation starter when I have friends round to visit! 

The flag in my room at school!

Next post - Carrier bags used for wallpaper? 

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