Tuesday 4 June 2013

Home for Summer

So June has finally arrived which means exams are done and 2nd year of university is over!  Where has the year gone? 

I am now nearly all unpacked and the mammoth task of washing has started!  I normally do my washing at university but I thought, 'why spend money when I can wait a week and get mum to do it for free?'  There's also the case of the "special" items which need to be hand-washed...

A few weeks ago I wrote about the flag which I use as a blanket.  Mum always knows when I'm home for a while when she see's it pegged on the washing line! (A bit like when the Queen is in residence - I thought I'd adopt the same approach!)

My mum works from home so there is often a question asked as to why we have a Morrisons flag on the washing line!  This usually leads to a shortened version about my crazy hobby.  Its very amusing sitting in the next room listening to their reactions! 

Besides this I still need to decide what to do about my 100th store.  

I've had a lot of feedback from people suggesting which it should be including: the one in Gibraltar - which apparently they have a license in the cafĂ© to serve alcohol - anyone know if this is true? Another suggestion was Nelson - this was apparently the 100th store they opened.  Bradford was another due to it being the home of Morrisons.  Someone even suggested I should try and 'cut the ribbon' for the opening of one of their new stores - that would be pretty awesome although I don't know how do-able! 

Let me know your thoughts!

Next time: Morrisons birthday cakes! 

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