Tuesday 27 August 2013


It's been a while since I last posted about the "Morrisons Story" rather than adventures to Morrisons stores.

Back in 2008...

I would say this is when this obsession reached it's peak!  With the carrier bags on the walls of my room, the Morrisons flag being used as a blanket on my bed, the uniform being worn as pjs and the large collection of caps - where else could this go?! 

The end of August...

A time for new school shoes, new uniform and of course ... new stationary.  This particular year I decided to do some DIY...I gathered some old folders and a Morrisons carrier bag to try and create my own M folder.  It turned out pretty well especially with it being reusable - if ever the bag ripped, it could easily be replaced! 

My school bag took a break for a while whilst I replaced it with a Morrisons bag for life, which were relatively new at the time. However, with all the folders and textbooks I had to carry it soon got too heavy so I left the Morrisons bag behind.  At this stage, there was also an idea of using a Morrisons trolley to carry items around the school campus but I decided this would be a step to far!

Here is me in my room with my large collection of Morrisons items including the hand-made 'M folders' - (Yes I did take them to lessons - the looks I got were hilarious!)

Do you know of anyone else who has a similar hobby to mine? If so, please get in touch with your story. :) 

I'm also still waiting for an answer for my question regarding the Morrisons' Atlas - does anyone know if they are still produced?

"Enjoyed reading this, but not quite sure how it all started - read here for the beginning and then why not share on Facebook and Twitter" :)

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