Monday 19 August 2013


Afternoon tea - reduced cakes!

15.Weymouth Morrisons

After a successful summer last year with the +Olympics and +ParalympicSportTV games and having the chance to watch the Athletics at the Olympic Stadium and the Rowing at Eton Dorney, we wanted to see where Olympic sailor Ben Ainslie had won his Gold Medal.  This meant a trip to Weymouth - and of course a trip to the local Morrisons! 

In Weymouth Morrisons Car Park!
 Since I was last there, it was great to see that Weymouth had had the changeover to the 'New Market St.' look!  I did get some funny looks (as usual) having my photo taken in front of the sign and store!

The new layout!
During the day, we visited the Morrisons twice! Once in the afternoon for a cup of tea and then again in the evening for dinner!  It was perfect timing when we arrived, as they'd just reduced the cakes! Mum particularly enjoyed the Lemon Drizzle Cake, whilst Dad had the Cheesecake and my Sister and I shared the Toffee Lumpy Bumpy (one of our fav's!)

My Sister and I in the Café
Whilst we did get to see the waters where the Gold Medal was won, we missed out on seeing the Olympic rings at Portland so no doubt Weymouth Morrisons will be seeing us again very soon! 

Do you work at Weymouth Morrisons? Or have you seen the rings at Portland?  If so, please get in touch - I'd love to hear from you!  I'm also still waiting for an answer for my question regarding the Morrisons' Atlas - does anyone know if they are still produced? 


Enjoyed reading this, but not quite sure how it all started - read here for the beginning and then why not share on Facebook and Twitter :) 

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